分類: 技巧

誤點(不小心點擊)自己的 Google AdSense 廣告怎麼辦?

許多人在自己的網站或部落格中加入了 Google AdSense 廣告賺取收益,但是因為 Google 嚴格禁止點擊自己的廣告,網路上也有些案例,因為無效點及被 Google 停權了,搞得很多用 Google AdSense 的人心惶惶,不小心點到自己的廣告就很緊張。

不過其實也不用太緊張,根據一篇 Google AdSense 官方部落格上的文章(Accidents happen):

As most of you know, our program policies state that publishers are not permitted to click on their own ads for any reason. For this reason, we’ve received many emails from publishers letting us know that they’ve accidentally clicked on their own ads. If you’re one of these publishers, we truly appreciate the efforts you’ve made to monitor your account and keep it in good standing. However, we do understand that an accidental click may occur from time to time, so there’s no need to contact us each instance this occurs.

Because we closely monitor all account activity using engineering systems and thorough human analysis, chances are we’ve already detected your clicks on your ads and discounted them. While these clicks still show in your reports, we filter out their associated earnings so that advertisers aren’t charged. However, please keep in mind that we don’t ignore the clicks completely; if it appears to us that a publisher has been clicking on his own ads to inflate his earnings or an advertiser’s costs, we may disable the account to protect our advertisers’ interests.

由文中的說明,基本上 Google 能理解網站或部落格的作者不小心點擊自己廣告的情況,而一般這種狀況 Google 有辦法可以偵測的出來,而配認定為無效點擊的紀錄也會留在 AdSense 的報表中(有點擊記錄,但是沒有收益),所以不需要特別回報也不用太過擔心,如果想避免自己誤點廣告的狀況,可以使用 Google 發布商工具列(Google Publisher Toolbar),安裝之後會方便許多。

雖然偶爾誤點廣告不需要擔心,但請注意:這裡的意思是 Google 可以容忍偶爾不小心誤點廣告,而不是允許刻意點擊自己的廣告,若無效點擊太多還是會有機會被停權的,所以還是要注意,如果發現自己的網站有不正常的點擊狀況,也可以透過 AdSense 的與支援單位聯絡網頁主動回報,例如短時間之內點擊數量突然暴增好幾倍的狀況,不要以為這樣是賺到,那是有人在惡搞你的網站,運氣不好是會讓你的 Google AdSense 帳號被停權的,保險起見,只要感覺不正常就回報吧。


參考資料:Inside AdSense BlogGoogle 網上論壇sofree.cc

G. T. Wang

個人使用 Linux 經驗長達十餘年,樂於分享各種自由軟體技術與實作文章。

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